Dezbatere Inteligenta Artificiala - ROeID
Debate on Artificial Intelligence
01/02/23 16:01
On Wednesday, February 1, 2023, the Authority for the Digitization of Romania (ADR), together with the consortium Deloitte Romania and Reff & Asociații, organized the debate on the topic "The regulatory framework regarding artificial intelligence, data governance and open data.

On Wednesday, February 1, 2023, the Authority for the Digitization of Romania (ADR), together with the consortium Deloitte Romania and Reff & Asociații, organized the debate on the topic "The regulatory framework regarding artificial intelligence, data governance and open data. Identified problems and proposed solutions".
The event took place within a large project that ADR implements, respectively "Strategic framework for the adoption and use of innovative technologies in the public administration 2021-2027 - solutions for the efficiency of the activity", co-financed from the Administrative Capacity Operational Program 2014-2020, SIPOCA 704 , with specific reference to the project output "Updated legislative framework related to blockchain technologies, artificial intelligence, EOSC, EuroHPC and PRACE".
The regulatory options at the national level in the field of AI, identified so far by ADR in collaboration with the team of consultants selected within the project, were discussed and validated with the representatives of the institutions participating in the debate, from the perspective of:
- regulatory needs;
- the barriers they encounter in the process of adopting innovative technologies in public administration;
- the new regulations in the matter, existing or emerging at the European level.
With the aim of determining the degree of intervention required by the authorities and relevant public institutions in the field of regulation in the field of artificial intelligence, complementary to the main topic of debate, the subject of encouraging the use of data available from the public sector for the creation of innovative products, solutions and services was also addressed , emphasizing the need to promote good practices and data reuse mechanisms already existing at the level of other states and institutions.