ISO 9001 - ROeID
ISO 9001
21/07/23 14:58
The Authority for the Digitization of Romania obtained the ISO 9001 certification, an international standard that recognizes the existence of an effective quality management system.

The Authority for the Digitization of Romania obtained the ISO 9001 certification, an international standard that recognizes the existence of an effective quality management system. ADR is the first organization in the field of digital transformation in the public sector in Romania to receive the ISO 9001 Certificate. At the level of the European Union, several Ministries of Digitalization benefit from this certification. The certificate was granted by the RINA Certification Body.
The ISO 9001 standard is the only globally recognized standard that can be used to certify the quality management system and envisages an approach based on the management of the organization's processes, taking into account customer orientation and the assessment of customer satisfaction, as well as the commitment of top management for continuous improvement.
Upon receiving the certificate, the president of ADR, Dragoș-Cristian Vlad, said: "ISO 9001 is fundamental in the activity of a successful organization. Once this certificate is obtained, the efforts of the ADR team in terms of optimizing the institutional activity will be directed towards the ISO 27001 certification".
Following the conduct of the certification audit at the level of the Authority, it was found that the quality management system is implemented and that the management system of the organization has the ability to meet the applicable requirements and achieve the expected objectives.
"The ISO certification is an ambitious and significant goal, the result of a complex verification process carried out by a group of RINA auditors, which involved the company in its entirety. I congratulate you for your involvement in the certification process, you have a very well-trained team with whom we worked efficiently", said Nicola BATTUELLO, Certification Executive Vice President of the RINA group.
RINA Simtex is part of the RINA Group, a leader in the certification of ISO services as well as other management systems, being an accredited body with international recognition. (
The ISO 9001 certificate is the international standard for the quality management system, being used by organizations for the certification of the quality of services or products, as well as for the management of change at the decisional and operational level.